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Chest X-Rays

Chest radiology offers a window to the internal structures of your body.  Chest X-rays are essential to the employment screening process to rule out common work-related conditions (e.g. tuberculosis, asbestosis, silicosis).  In addition, X-rays also allow us to visualize the presence of any serious damage to bones and soft tissue following blunt trauma and penetrating injuries occurring at work.

Getting an X-ray is an incredibly simple, non-invasive process, and there is little to no discomfort.  Your body (e.g. chest or injured extremity) is positioned between the machine that produces the X-rays and the X-ray film plate that creates the X-ray images.  Medical professionals and X-ray Technologists are always concerned about your safety and all aspects of the use of radiation requires licensing and periodic inspection by the State of Maryland.  At Occupational Health Consultants, all X-rays are reviewed by a Radiologist.  Any chest X-rays taken for an asbestos and silicosis medical surveillance program are reviewed by a B-reader Radiologist.

If you would like to learn more about our X-ray facility or services, please call Occupational Health Consultants at 301-738-6420.


Occupational Health Consultants
2301 Research Blvd, Ste 125
Rockville, MD 20850
Open Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Phone: 301.738.6420
Fax: 301.990.3534


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