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Physical Examination

If Companies wish to ensure that their employee candidate is healthy enough to fulfill their job duties, then consider making the job offer dependent on passing a physical examination. The Federal government requires examinations for certain positions (e.g. DOT physicals for commercial truck drivers, FAA physicals for Pilots, etc.)

A physical examination, also just known as a physical or a wellness check, is a test a doctor performs to check the condition of your overall health. It’s a good way to check for possible diseases, discuss any medical concerns, get updated on your vaccinations, and make sure the patient is living a healthy lifestyle.

A standard physical includes checking vital signs, assessing vision and hearing, taking your height and weight measurements, and a respiratory evaluation. Depending on your the job role, a neurological assessment, musculoskeletal examination, or more may be needed.

These types of tests are performed to ensure that the employee can safely carry out the physical duties for work. Companies that have their employees get physicals have lower risks of workplace injuries, safer work environments, and healthier employees.

There are additional types of physical examinations that that can be request: Pre-employment and Periodic, and Exit physicals; Fitness for Duty Exams; DOT (FMCSA) Physicals; Physical Abilities Tests; and Respirator physicals. A common feature of all these physical examinations are tailored specifically to the essential functions of the job in question.

In addition, Law Enforcement and Fire Fighter physicals are specifically contracted by Montgomery County.  Immigration physicals are limited to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) civil surgeons.   FAA Flight physical exams require they be performed by an Aeromedical Medical Examiners.

If you would like to arrange a pre-employment physical examination for a new hire or for a current employee, please call Occupational Health Consultants at 301-738-6420 to schedule an appointment.


Occupational Health Consultants
2301 Research Blvd, Ste 125
Rockville, MD 20850
Open Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Phone: 301.738.6420
Fax: 301.990.3534


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