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Though it’s common to have hearing tests throughout your early childhood years, there are many reasons you should have an audiogram as an adult.  There are many experiences as we grow throughout life, and sometimes our environment, hobbies, and career that can affect our hearing. For instance, you may work in a job field like manufacturing and experience constant loud noise exposure in the workplace. Although brief exposure to high noise environments (e.g. Music Concerts) can result in only temporary hearing loss, exposure to high noise environments over time is commonly associated with progressive and permanent hearing loss.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires companies to institute occupational noise and hearing conservation programs in certain industries. Having a hearing protection program is mandated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  to prevent your employees from experiencing occupational hearing loss, protect employees’ current level of hearing, reduce stress on your employees, and improve an overall sense of well-being.  Consequently, employees should have their hearing checked regularly to monitor for any hearing loss over the course of their career, especially in a noise hazardous workplace.

Audiograms are fast, easy, and painless.  A headset will be placed on your ears, and an audiometer is used to determine the quietest sounds you can hear at different pitches.  The OSHA screening audiogram conducted at Occupational Health Consultants measures the employee’s ability to hear sounds at various frequencies to determine whether they have or are developing hearing loss.  Employees with progressive or significant hearing loss should have follow-up testing and/or a referral to an ENT specialist for more sophisticated hearing tests.

If you would like to schedule an audiogram, please call Occupational Health Consultants at 301-738-6420 to schedule an appointment.


Occupational Health Consultants
2301 Research Blvd, Ste 125
Rockville, MD 20850
Open Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Phone: 301.738.6420
Fax: 301.990.3534


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